Eumedia and the Triptolemos Foundation sign an agreement to boost the food system

Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, director of the magazine Vida Rural and the newspaper AgroNegocios, and José Mª Sumpsi, president of the Triptolemos Foundation, today ratified the collaboration agreement between Eumedia -editorial with more than thirty years of experience in the agri-food sector with publications such as Vida Rural, AgroNegocios, Origen and Mundo Ganadero – and the Triptolemos Foundation, an institution that has been referring for fifteen years to the revitalization of the Global Food System.

This collaboration aims to find synergies for the development of joint actions. Among its goals are to promote dissemination, training and various activities within the food field, as well as improving competitiveness that generates economic and social wealth in a sustainable environment.

The agro-food sector, with its more than 30,000 companies, is strategic for our economy and has positioned itself as the country’s first productive and exporting sector. Eumedia and the Triptolemos Foundation will enhance their collaboration in the face of the main challenges of the food system, in addition to putting in value the knowledge generated in our universities and institutions.

Thus, both entities will work in the development of actions, both in Spain and abroad, for promotion, dissemination and training within the framework of the food system, thereby contributing to the dynamization of the same, with special emphasis on knowledge centers .

Font: Agronegocios

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