World Food Day: Presentation of the Food System of Triptolemos Foundation

How do we contribute from the University to face the challenges of a Sustainable Global Food System?

On the occasion of World Food Day (FAO), on October 16 at 12 o’clock, the University of Barcelona, ??through the Campus de l’Alimentació de Torribera, and the Triptolemos Foundation, held an event in the Main Hall of the Building History of the University of Barcelona, ??chaired by Dr. Domènec Espriu, vice chancellor of research. It counted with the participation of professors of the University of different specialties who gave us their vision of how they can face the challenges of a sustainable global food system and discussed the challenges of a 21st century food system with a systemic vision and interrelation between the different areas of knowledge of the food fact.

The entire food environment forms a complex system of actions and reactions that involves aspects of production, economic, legal, political, sociological … with reciprocal influence on health, behavior and beliefs.

From the TRIPTOLEMOS Foundation the alimentary fact is considered with an interpretation reflected in a model of four interrelated basic axes (availability, economy, political and social) and in the UNESCO Chair on “Science and innovation for sustainable development: production and food security world”.

This is a good opportunity to develop and strengthen in the UB the concept of the World Food System with the purpose of promoting and promoting mainstreaming to optimally solve the challenges of the 21st century. The UB is one of the founders of the Triptolemos Foundation.

Fundación Triptolemos