The international conference EUROGEO 2021 will be held this year virtually on April 22 and 23 with the title: “Sustainable development goals for all”. EUROGEO is a European scientific society connecting geographers. EUROGEO works on the effective use of open geographic information and its use to contribute to areas such as demography and migration, sustainability, economic development and urban and rural challenges, hazards, landscape, poverty, democracy and citizen participation.

The purpose of EUROGEO 2021 is to try to contribute to global challenges by sharing knowledge about the important goal of the UN: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The SDGs are global goals, set for a period of 15 years (2015-2030).

Triptolemos Foundation has been invited to give the inaugural lecture, which will revolve around: “Geography: origin of the complexity of the food system”.

More information and registration

Fundación Triptolemos