Act of presentation of the Global Alimentary System in the UCLM

With occasion of the recent incorporation of the University of Castilla-La Mancha to the Triptolemos Foundation, the foundation offered at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies of the Campus Ciudad Real, a day in which members of the entity and researchers from the regional University addressed current issues such as fake news or false news in the world of food or how to address the challenges of the sustainable global food system in the XXI century, as well as the vision of the Foundation’s Global Food System.

In the act, the rector of the UCLM, Miguel Angel Collado, presented the incorporation of the university to the Board of the Triptolemos Foundation, a private and independent entity whose objective is to articulate solutions that guarantee the sufficiency, safety and quality of food within a framework of sustainability and social balance in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations. The entity, of a private nature, which brings together universities, companies, consumer organizations and other institutions related to the sector and whose challenge is to contribute with their actions to optimize a sustainable and balanced global food system.

The incorporation of the UCLM to this Foundation will allow the academic institution, as explained at a press conference by the rector, Miguel Ángel Collado, to share and contribute to Triptolemos knowledge and research in the field of food sustainability from different areas such as the scientific, the legal or the environmental.

Also, the rector, remarked the social commitment of the academic institution with sustainable development, welcomed this alliance that “can be good for all” and that will materialize in different activities such as the presence in fairs of the sector, the mobility of doctors , the realization of actions with the Unesco Chair ‘Science and innovation for sustainable development: production and global food security’ hosted by the Foundation or its inclusion in the International Campus of Excellence Network (CEI) with agri-food activity coordinated by the private entity itself , whose honorary president is Federico Mayor Zaragoza, general director of Unesco between 1987 and 1999).

For his part, the secretary of the Triptolemos Foundation, Ramón Clotet, considered “normal” the incorporation of the UCLM to his Board of Trustees because “he has a coinciding vision” with it, in the sense that “food is not just nutrition or dietetics, it is also supply, availability for everyone, food security or balance with both technical and political sustainability “. “We do not have to convince the University of Castilla-La Mancha of our philosophy, they are one more and they will reinforce us with their work”

In the presentation of the incorporation of the UCLM to the Triptolemos Foundation, the executive director of the latter has also participated, Yvonne Colomer; the Vice Chancellor of Students and Social Responsibility, Ana Carretero; and the dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies, Ángel Ríos.


Fundación Triptolemos