Políticas agroalimentarias

Universities, companies and institutions patrons Triptolemos Foundation meet in the upm

The UPM has hosted the meeting of the Tripatolemos Foundation Board of Trustees, which brought together more than thirty representatives from the most important Spanish universities on food issues, companies, consumers, food banks and institutions (CSIC) from all over the world, representatives of the food system . The meeting was attended by its president, José […]

Universities, companies and institutions patrons Triptolemos Foundation meet in the upm Leer más »

Spanish Agriculture Minister Luis Planas knows first-hand the work of the Triptolemos Foundation

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, met at the Ministry’s headquarters with representatives of the Triptolemos Foundation for agri-food development to present various activities of the same, including the International Campus of Excellence with Activity Agroalimentaria, a Work Commission of the Foundation that is currently composed of 17 Campus. Among the objectives

Spanish Agriculture Minister Luis Planas knows first-hand the work of the Triptolemos Foundation Leer más »

Meeting of the Management of the CEI AA NETWORK of the Triptolemos Foundation with ANECA

MEETING OF THE DIRECTORATE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE CAMPUS NETWORK (CEI) WITH AGRI-FOOD ACTIVITY WITH THE NATIONAL AGENCY FOR THE EVALUATION OF QUALITY AND ACCREDITATION (ANECA) Last Thursday, November 15, 2018, the Management Board of the Network of Campus of International Excellence with Agri-food activity (Triptolemos Foundation) represented by Màrius Rubiralta, director of the Board

Meeting of the Management of the CEI AA NETWORK of the Triptolemos Foundation with ANECA Leer más »

Meeting of the Secretary of State for Universities, R + D + I with the NETWORK CEI AA of the Triptolemos Foundation.

On Tuesday, November 7, 2018, the President of the Network of Campus of International Excellence with agri-food activity and the Director of the Triptolemos Foundation met in Madrid with the Secretary of State for Universities, Research, Development and Innovation. The CEIs are the result of the aggregation between institutions, and are a key tool of

Meeting of the Secretary of State for Universities, R + D + I with the NETWORK CEI AA of the Triptolemos Foundation. Leer más »


Press kit

La Fundación TRIPTOLEMOS para el desarrollo agroalimentario, ha nacido para crear un espacio transversal de diálogo, y actividades entre todos los grupos implicados, desde el productor primario hasta el consumidor, pasando por toda la cadena, y con un núcleo central importante en las Universidades y en representantes del sector productivo.

Press kit Leer más »

Fundación Triptolemos