Cátedra UNESCO on Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development: Global Food Production and Food Safety Intervention by Keith Holmes, Research Coordinator UNITWIN NETWORK (UNESCO – Paris) at the conference organized by the UNESCO CHAIR TRIPTOLEMOS-UNED on Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development: Global Food Production and Food Safety. Alliances to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals […]


Triptolemos Foundation offered the inaugural conference at EUROGEO 2021

The European Association of EUROGEO Geographers held its international conference EUROGEO 2021 virtually on April 22 and 23 with the title: “Sustainable development goals for all”, and in which representatives of 34 countries participated. Triptolemos Foundation was invited to give the inaugural conference “Geography: origin of the complexity of the food system” At the conference,

Triptolemos Foundation offered the inaugural conference at EUROGEO 2021 Leer más »

Innovation and partnerships are key for a sustainable transformation of global food systems

Innovation for SDGs: inspirational tools towards sustainability challenges online webinar series orginized by Universty of Girona, Campus de l’alimentació 25th march (11:00h-13:00h) Improving the sustainability of the food production system along the entire value chain With the collaboration of Triptolemos Foundation Veerle Mommaerts, Global Key Relation Manager at Bayer AG Packaging Trends, Sustainability and Innovations Svetlana

Innovation and partnerships are key for a sustainable transformation of global food systems Leer más »

Participation of Triptolemos Foundation in the European Parliament

The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) of the European Parliament, held on March 16, 2021 the public hearing on “Enabling innovation for sustainable agriculture” in which the Triptolemos Foundation was invited to participate with the topic: Innovation for a Food System Sustainable. During the public exhibition, emphasis was placed on the importance of

Participation of Triptolemos Foundation in the European Parliament Leer más »

Participation in the public hearing EP AGRI Committee

Next 16 March 2021, the  Committee for Agriculture and Rural Develpment (AGRI) of the European Parliament cwill hold a public hearing on “Enabling innovation for sustainable agriculture”. The Triptolemos Foundation has been invited to participate as a panelist on the topic: Technological Innovation for a Food System Global Sustainable included in Panel I: Innovation in key

Participation in the public hearing EP AGRI Committee Leer más »

REPORT on food classification: The concept “ULTRAPROCESSED”

The world population grows with the tendency to concentrate in urban areas. Having food for everyone and correct information on nutrients and diet is included in the global scope of the United Nations Millennium Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The role of science and technology are key. The term “Ultra-processed” from English “Ultra-processed” has recently become

REPORT on food classification: The concept “ULTRAPROCESSED” Leer más »

New book publication

The purchase of food online is presented to the citizen as an easy and efficient system. In any case, its correct implementation must ensure the origin and quality of the product supplied. This book offers an analysis of online commerce taking into account the rights of consumers and the obligations of sellers, while provoking a

New book publication Leer más »

Food security and innovative tools with a sustainable global food system approach: document prepared by Triptolemos Foundation

The current challenge of agriculture is to ensure sustainability, being aware that in the next half century we have to produce as much as in the previous ten thousand years, having to worry, at the same time, about the improvement of crop resilience, in a unquestionable scenario of climate change. The World Food and Agriculture

Food security and innovative tools with a sustainable global food system approach: document prepared by Triptolemos Foundation Leer más »

Global Education Coalition COVID-19

More than 1.5 billion students and youth across the planet are affected by school and university closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Global Education Coalition launched by UNESCO seeks to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth during this period of sudden and unprecedented educational disruption. Investment in remote learning should both mitigate the

Global Education Coalition COVID-19 Leer más »

Fundación Triptolemos