Conference: The “Fake News”: consequences for companies and for consumers Actions from the European Union

Monday April 16 from 5pm to 7pm

Gran Via, Hall 3, The Alimentaria Hub – Sala Ágora

The “Fake news” have appeared to stay. The consumer accepts them without further ado if they agree with their beliefs. They destabilize the economy and affect the credibility of science and confidence in the food system.

The current situation will be addressed, the recent results of a public survey on the Fake news online made in the European Union will be presented and concrete actions will be proposed.

The session will be conducted by different experts with a transversal approach to the problem: science, food security, communication and the economy.

Will intervene:

Inauguration of the day José Luis Bonet, President of Alimentaria

Abel Mariné: Expert in communication – Professor Emeritus of Nutrition and Bromatology (UB)

Buenaventura Guamis: Professor of Food Technology (UAB)

Fernando Moner: President Association of Consumers (CECU)

Antonio Ortí: Periodista 

Luis Gonzalez Vaqué: Ex-consejero DG Mercado Interior Comisión Europea

Marc Amorós: Journalist

The session will be moderated by José Mª Sumpsi, Deputy Director General of FAO (2007-2010) and President of FUNDACIÓN TRIPTOLEMOS  and Juan Julián Lopez, Vocal of Communication and Institutional Relations of AECOSAN (Spanish Agency of Consumption, Food Security and Nutrition)


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Fundación Triptolemos