Monday, 8 May 2023 – OECD Istanbul Centre
Triptolemos Foundation has participated as a panelist in the Peace for Food event held in Istanbul and organized by the OECD.

The Peace for Food Initiative aims to bring international attention and global stakeholders together to highlight the current situation in global food markets. The initiative enables businesses to proactively contribute to the OECD work on agriculture and will highlight the business commitment to reaching global objectives, including agriculture sustainability and innovation.
The Business at OECD Food & Agriculture Committee is working with farm groups and with agribusinesses that operate upstream and downstream in the food supply chain to identify actions that the private sector can take on, in partnership with governments and other stakeholders, and in response to specific policy changes.
The event has had prominent international personalities who have discussed new opportunities to promote more sustainable, productive and resilient food systems, focusing on topics as current as sustainable agriculture, agriculture productivity and inclusive agriculture value chains, food security and food price inflation…
Triptolemos Foundation has contributed with its vision of a sustainable global food system to face the food challenges we have, highlighting the fact that we must act on all the axes if the system is to achieve the balance and not just economic or environmental ones.